Baker's Percentage





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Baker’s Percentages

Baker’s percentages represent the percentage of flour weight—not total dough weight.

Weight Vs Volume Measurements

Volume measurements are included but if you do not have a digital scale, just buy one already. Volume measurements in cooking are less accurate than weight measurements for several reasons:

Density Variability: The density of ingredients can vary significantly. For example, a cup of flour can weigh anywhere between 4 to 6 ounces depending on how it's packed. This variability can lead to significant differences in the amount of ingredient actually used.

Settling and Air Pockets: When measuring by volume, ingredients can settle or have air pockets, which can affect the amount of the ingredient actually in the measuring cup or spoon. This is particularly true for dry ingredients like flour or powdered sugar.

Inconsistency in Measurement Tools: Not all measuring cups and spoons are created equal. Slight differences in the size and shape of these tools can lead to variations in the amount of ingredient measured.

Human Error: The way an individual scoops, levels, or packs an ingredient into a measuring cup can vary, leading to inconsistent measurements.

Temperature and Humidity Effects: The volume of some ingredients can change with temperature and humidity, which can affect the accuracy of volume measurements. For example, the volume of liquids can expand or contract with temperature changes.

In contrast, weight measurements are not affected by these variables. Weighing ingredients provides a direct measurement of the mass of an ingredient, which is a more reliable and consistent method for ensuring the accuracy of ingredient amounts in recipes.